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Finance Committee

The Finance Committee shall consist of nine members including the Executive Committee; one Board Member of the President’s choice; and one Board Member of the 1st Vice President’s choice. They shall approve or authorize the Secretary or Treasurer to approve all bills for payment.  The committee shall audit the accounts of the Treasurer, Secretary or any other committee which handles or has had funds allotted to it. The audit shall be upon request by the President or the Board; and upon such audits being completed, upon board request, shall report the same in writing to the Board of Governors. The committee shall counsel with the Board of Governors on the conversion of League funds into Government or other securities.

House and Entertainment Committee

The House Committee shall consist of at least five and not more than ten members of the organization. It shall have charge of the club rooms; prepare any house rules deemed necessary by it and upon their formation submit such rules to the Board of Governors for approval;it shall report all infractions or violations of House rules to the Board of Governors. The Committee will provide or arrange for appropriate events and entertainment for the League. This committee shall do all things within its power to make the club rooms as comfortable and well maintained as possible.

Communications Committee

The Communication Committee shall consist of at least three and not more than five members, the Secretary of the League shall at all times be a member of such committee. Its duties shall consist of publicizing all matters important to the League through the Press, radio, internet or other appropriate medium. No member of the organization shall communicate or release any information pertaining to its affairs unless such release is first approved by the Press Committee.

Cemetery Committee

The Cemetery Committee shall consist of at least five members and not more than ten members of the organization. Its duties shall be to visit Showmen’s Rest for the purpose of seeing to the proper upkeep thereof and to make recommendations from time to time as to its beautification and improvement. It shall render special reports as demanded by the Board of Governors.


At the first meeting of the organization after the annual meeting, the President shall appoint a Chaplain to perform the duties of Chaplain as performed by Chaplains in other similar organizations.


At the first meeting of the organization after the annual general membership meeting, the President shall appoint a counselor whose duties shall be that of acting as legal advisor to the organization, to the President, Board of Governors, officers and committees all in their official capacity. He shall have chargeof any litigation involving the League. His or her qualifications shall be that he or she shall have been and is apracticing attorney at law admitted to practice before the highest Court of his or her or her State of residence and in good standing as a practicing attorney. Board membership is not required for this position. All leases,employment agreements and contracts for goods and services outside the scope of the ordinary activities of the League shall be prepared or reviewed by League Counsel, and submitted for approval to the Board of Governors.

Property Committee

The Property Committee shall consist of not less than five members or more than seven members whose duties shall be to help maintain, repair and oversee that the property is in good repair.

 Scholarship Committee 

The Scholarship Committee shall consist of at least seven and no more than eleven members of the organization who will meet to review and award scholarships to the applicants who have applied for a Scholarship. This committee shall have sole discretion to set policies and standards for the awarding of scholarships and to insure those guidelines are fairly and consistently adhered to. The committee will have authority to authorize reasonable levels of scholarship awards annually, taking into account funds raised, interest and appreciation earned and the long-term best interests of the League.

Long Range Planning Committee

This Committee shall consist of at least eight and no more than 15 members of the organization and will be chosen from different geographic areas of the United States and Canada to represent the interests of the League and of that particular area. They will meet at least annually to evaluate the overall long-term structure, benefits, and direction of the League. The President, Secretary, and Treasurer shall also be members of this committee.

Convention Committee

This Committee shall consist of not less than five or more than eleven members who will meet to plan and prepare for the Annual Convention, Meeting, the Banquet and Ball, the Exhibitor’s Lounge (Trade Show) and any other activities during the convention. The President and Secretary will also be members of this committee. Each Vice President will nominate a member to serve on this committee.

Nominating Committee:

There is hereby created a nominating committee which shall consist of eleven in number. It shall be composed of four members of the Board of Governors to be elected by it and five members to be elected by the Body from the Body. Such elections are to be held on the date of the League’s annual general member meeting for the nominees from the Body and respectively on the date of the Board Annual Meeting for the nominees from the Board as is provided for by the League’s Constitution. The two immediate living past presidents shall automatically become members of the Nominating Committee and shall have the absolute duty of serving thereon. The immediate past President will serve as Chair, the prior past President as Vice-Chair. In the event of an inability of either or both of such past presidents and they or either of them shall not be able to attend, then the last past president in the inverse order of their service in such office, shall be appointed to serve in the place and stead of one, both or either of such two past presidents. The deliberations of such committee shall be secret and no member thereof shall divulge his or her action or the action of any other member or members of such committee, to any person or persons.

Only the final slate of officers and board members voted upon and signed by no less than eight (8) members of the Committee will be revealed. Violations of this provision shall subject the violator to punishment by the Board of Governors. The Board of Governors and the Body shall each select an alternate member of the
Nominating Committee. The duties of said alternate members shall be to sit in on the meetings of said Nominating Committee and to participate in its deliberations only in the event some regular member of the said Nominating Committee is unable to serve, providing however that there shall always be not more than four members of the Board of Governors and five members of the Body and two Past Presidents participating in actions of this committee.

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee shall consist of the President, First Vice-President, Second Vice President, Third Vice-President, Treasurer and the two immediate past presidents. The purpose of the Executive Committee is to provide leadership to the Board and the League and to make recommendations to the Board of Governors. It shall make recommendations to the Board for the employment, termination, compensation, and requirements for each position or positions needed, and also for any contractor or contractors for services as needed. The Board shall approve or reject such recommendations.

Awards Committee

purpose is to create criteria for the Hall of Honor or any other awards.


Charity and Benevolence Committee

Five (5) members for the purposes of charities

No committee or member thereof shall have the right or authority to extend credit or incur any expenses unless approved in advance in specific or in a budget by the Board of Governors. The President shall have the right and authority to remove from any committee a member thereof who is not diligent in carrying out his or her duties thereon.


The Showmen's League

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